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a close up of a green leafy plant

18. Where can I buy ZEROBLOCK blocks and get technical support?

Blocks can be ordered by contacting us directly or from authorized distributors throughout the country (Poland).

Our team of technical advisors will be happy to help you find the optimal construction technology and calculate the amount of blocks needed.

17. I have a project of a house with a different technology - how can I change it?

We work with experienced constructors who are familiar with our material and undertake the conversion of existing construction projects to ZEROBLOCK technology.
Feel free to consult with us through the contact form.

16. Can ZEROBLOCK blocks be used to renovate old buildings?

Of course. ZEROBLOCK blocks are ideal for thermal rehabilitation and renovation of old buildings, improving their thermal and acoustic properties.

It should be emphasized that the use of lime-composite in the renovation of historic buildings, regardless of the form (wet in formwork or dry using blocks), guarantees the avoidance of the occurrence of sick building syndrome years later.

15. Are ZEROBLOCK blocks suitable for the construction of multi-floor houses?

Blocks can be used in ANY building, including multi-story buildings. Combined with frame construction (reinforced concrete, wood or steel), they are a natural, healthy alternative to traditional solutions.

14. What are the ecological benefits of using ZEROBLOCK blocks?

Our blocks are all-natural, contain no toxic substances and have a low (or even negative!) carbon footprint. Hemp absorbs CO₂ from the atmosphere during the growth process, and the addition of lime absorbs CO₂ from the atmosphere during the carbonation process to form lime rock during the life cycle of a building, making it one of the greenest building materials on the market.

13. How to fasten elements to walls made of ZEROBLOCK blocks?

  • Lightweight elements (paintings, shelves) can be mounted with standard carpentry screws or cellular concrete dowels.
  • Heavier elements (cabinets, radiators) should be fastened with expansion screws or chemical anchors.

12. How to cut ZEROBLOCK blocks?

It is best to use a band saw, alligator saw or handheld wood saw to cut the blocks. Oscillating saws are not recommended.

11. How to prepare the blocks before installation?

Blocks should be stored in a dry place, protected from rain, but not tightly wrapped in plastic so that they can “breathe”. Before installation, it is recommended to remove any dirt and dust.

10. How long does it take to build a house with ZEROBLOCK blocks?

The construction time depends on the project, but thanks to the large dimensions of the blocks and the ease of their installation, the completion time can be reduced by up to 30% compared to traditional technologies.

9. Are ZEROBLOCK blocks mold resistant?

Yes, thanks to the high vapor permeability and the natural bactericidal and fungicidal properties of lime, the blocks effectively prevent the growth of fungi and mold.

8. What wall finishes are recommended for ZEROBLOCK blocks?

  • Interior: natural clay plaster, lime plaster or, for example, in the bathroom, you can use tile, terra cotta, stoneware, etc.
  • Exterior: natural clay plaster, lime plaster, ventilated facade such as wooden facade panels.

7. Do ZEROBLOCK blocks require additional thermal insulation?

No, the blocks have excellent thermal insulation properties and do not require additional insulation.

6. What mortars can be used for masonry of ZEROBLOCK blocks?

It is recommended to use lime-based mortar. This allows the walls to remain vapor-permeable and retain their insulating properties.

5. What are the foundation requirements when building with ZEROBLOCK blocks?

The low weight of the blocks allows the design of a significantly slimmed-down foundation, which generates additional savings. In addition to this advantage, there are no special requirements for the construction of the foundation.

The blocks themselves must be laid on a stable, moisture-resistant foundation, preferably on a foundation with a waterproofing layer to prevent capillary rise of water. It is recommended that the first layer be elevated at least 20cm above ground level.

4. What are the standard dimensions of ZEROBLOCK blocks?

The standard size of the blocks is 60 cm (L) x 36 cm (W) x 20 cm (H). They have a system of splines and bumps for easy installation.

3. Can ZEROBLOCK blocks be used in any climate?

Yes, these blocks perform well in both cool and warm climates. Their thermal insulation properties and ability to regulate humidity ensure comfortable indoor conditions in all weather conditions.

2. What are the main advantages of ZEROBLOCK blocks?

  • Passive humidity control - the blocks absorb and release excess moisture outside the building, creating a healthy microclimate inside. This works both ways depending on the season, keeping air humidity at the optimal level for humans.
  • Excellent thermal insulation – prevents heat loss in winter and overheating in summer. We do not use any additional insulation like Styrofoam!
  • Acoustic insulation – they effectively reduce noise.
  • Fireproof – naturally resistant to fire, without the need for additional protection.
  • Lightness and ease of installation – they can be cut and laid very easily, and the use of only one layer significantly reduces construction time and labor costs.
  • 100% natural material – without construction chemicals, plastics or plasticizers.
  • Climate neutrality - the blocks are composed of more than 80% industrial hemp, which is an annual, fully renewable plant.

1. What are the ZEROBLOCK blocks?

ZEROBLOCK blocks are natural building materials made of proprietary lime and hempcrete composite. They are designed to complete the load-bearing structure of external and internal walls. They primarily fulfill the function of thermal and acoustic insulation, ensuring high comfort of buildings.

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